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The Pros and Cons of Tiger Parenting: Balancing High Expectations with Emotional Well-being

The Pros and Cons of Tiger Parenting: Balancing High Expectations with Emotional Well-being

Have you ever wondered about the fine line between nurturing academic excellence and safeguarding your child’s emotional health? In the world of parenting, the concept of Tiger Parenting stands at the forefront of this intriguing puzzle. With its emphasis on discipline, high expectations, and relentless pursuit of success, Tiger Parenting ignites passionate debates and sparks curiosity about its impact on children’s well-being. Join me as we embark on a journey to explore the pros and cons of Tiger Parenting, delving into the delicate balance between fostering academic achievement and preserving the precious essence of childhood emotional resilience.

What is Tiger Parenting?

In Western society, the term “tiger parenting” was first used by Yale Law School professor and mother Amy Chua. With the publication of the book “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” by Amy Chua in 2011, tiger parenting gained popularity and has been a parenting buzzword for more than ten years. Chua describes in it the rigorous upbringing she gave her two children as well as the accomplishments she wanted them to have in school and outside of it. Chua notes in her book that the strong morality and ethics of Confucian thought served as the inspiration for her parenting method. 

Tiger parenting is a term coined to describe a strict, authoritarian style of parenting characterized by high expectations, rigorous discipline, and a strong emphasis on academic success. This parenting approach is often associated with parents who adopt a “tough love” mentality, pushing their children to excel academically and achieve ambitious goals. The term “tiger” is derived from the stereotype of the fierce and demanding tiger mother who exhibits strict control over her children’s lives in pursuit of excellence.

Tiger parents typically enforce strict rules and routines, closely monitor their children’s activities, and place significant pressure on them to perform well in school and extracurricular activities. They believe in setting challenging goals for their children and providing extensive support and resources to help them succeed.

Pros of Tiger Parenting

  • Academic Success: Tiger Parenting often leads to remarkable academic achievements. By instilling discipline, perseverance, and a strong work ethic from an early age, children raised under this approach frequently excel in their studies. 
  • Cultivation of Grit and Resilience: One undeniable benefit of Tiger Parenting is the cultivation of grit and resilience in children. By setting high expectations and pushing their limits, parents encourage their children to confront challenges head-on.

Cons of Tiger Parenting

  • Psychological Effects: While Tiger Parenting may yield academic success, it often comes at a cost to children’s psychological well-being. The relentless pressure to meet exceedingly high expectations can lead to heightened levels of stress and anxiety. 
  • Relationship Strain: Another drawback of Tiger Parenting is the strain it can place on parent-child relationships. The authoritarian nature of this approach can breed resentment and conflict, eroding the emotional bond between parents and children.

Finding Balance

Finding balance may be reasonable in this case. Here are suggestions for parents to consider in choosing their parenting style:

1. Tailor Parenting Approaches: Recognize that each child is unique and may respond differently to parenting styles. While one child may thrive in a structured environment with clear expectations and routines, another may require more flexibility and autonomy to explore their interests and develop their own strengths. For example, if one child excels academically under a strict study schedule, another may benefit from having more control over their learning pace and methods.

2. Embrace Diverse Learning Styles: Understand that children have diverse learning styles and preferences. Some may excel in traditional academic subjects, while others may thrive in creative or hands-on activities. Parents encourage your child to explore different interests and provide opportunities for them to discover their strengths and passions. For instance, if your child struggles with traditional classroom learning, consider incorporating educational games, art projects, or outdoor activities to make learning more engaging and enjoyable.

3. Create a Safe Space for Expression: Foster an environment where your child feels comfortable expressing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns without fear of judgment or criticism. Listen actively to their perspectives, validating their emotions and experiences. For example, if your child expresses frustration with a challenging math assignment, acknowledge their feelings and offer support and encouragement to help them overcome obstacles.

4. Set Realistic Expectations: Be mindful of setting realistic expectations for your child based on their abilities, interests, and developmental stage. It is better to avoid placing undue pressure on them to meet unattainable standards of perfection or success. Instead, parents focus on celebrating their progress and effort, regardless of the outcome. For example, Sarah, a former athlete, dreams of her son James following in her footsteps. Despite her best intentions, James struggles with sports and feels overwhelmed. Sarah realizes she’s been imposing her own dreams on him and shifts focus. She discovers James’s passion for music and supports him in pursuing it. As a result, James thrives, and their relationship strengthens, highlighting the importance of setting realistic expectations and supporting a child’s individual interests.

5. Collaborate on Goal Setting: Involve your child in the process of setting goals and priorities, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability. Encourage them to identify their own aspirations and ambitions, guiding them in creating actionable steps to achieve their objectives. By collaborating on goal setting, you empower your child to take ownership of their learning and development, fostering a sense of confidence and autonomy. For example, if your child expresses an interest in learning a new instrument such as playing guitar, you and your child can work together to find a music school to attend, create a practice schedule and set achievable milestones to track their progress over time.


As we navigate the complex landscape of parenting, it’s imperative to acknowledge the nuances of Tiger Parenting and its impact on children’s academic success and emotional well-being. While this approach may yield impressive results in terms of academic achievement, it’s essential to recognize and address the potential drawbacks, including psychological stress and strained relationships. By finding a delicate balance between high expectations and emotional support, parents can empower their children to thrive academically while fostering resilience, happiness, and fulfilment in all aspects of life.

In an effort to help children develop to their best, parents can seek the support from in:genius by NASCANS. in:genius by NASCANS is an award-winning student care brand with over 15 years of experience running quality student care centres across Singapore. Powered by NASCANS, the leading operator of school-based student care centres, our award-winning programmes at in:genius by NASCANS have been voted Singapore’s Best Student Care Programme for consecutive years and helped children reach their fullest potential.

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9 Tips to improve working memory and attention in primary school students

9 Tips to improve working memory and attention in primary school students

Do you often find your child struggling to concentrate on tasks or remember important information? As parents, we understand the importance of developing strong working memory and attention skills in our primary school students. But how can we support our children in enhancing these crucial cognitive abilities? 

In this article, we’ll explore practical tips to help improve working memory and attention in primary school students.

1. Chunking Information

One effective strategy to improve working memory is teaching children to chunk information. This involves breaking down large amounts of information into smaller, more manageable chunks. For example, when memorizing a list of spelling words, encourage your child to group them into categories such as “words with ‘ing'”, “words with ‘tion'”, etc. By organizing information into meaningful chunks, children can retain and recall it more effectively.

Imagine your child has a spelling test coming up with a list of 20 words. Instead of trying to memorize all the words at once, encourage your child to chunk the information into smaller groups based on common patterns or themes. For example, if the list includes words like “cat”, “bat”, “hat”, and “mat”, these words can be grouped under the common “at” sound. Similarly, words like “run”, “fun”, “sun”, and “bun” can be grouped based on the “un” sound.

By organizing the words into meaningful chunks, your child can focus on mastering one group at a time. This approach not only makes memorization more manageable but also helps your child recognize patterns and similarities among words, strengthening their understanding of spelling rules. Additionally, breaking down the list into smaller chunks allows for more focused practice and enhances retention, leading to better performance on the spelling test.

2. Using Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonic devices are memory aids that help students remember information through association. For instance, to remember the order of the planets in the solar system, children can use the mnemonic “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles” (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune). Encourage your child to create their mnemonics for remembering facts, formulas, or sequences, making learning more engaging and memorable.

3. Practicing Mindfulness Exercises

Mindfulness exercises can significantly enhance attention and focus in children. Introduce simple mindfulness practices such as deep breathing exercises or guided visualization techniques. 

For instance, before starting homework or studying, guide your child through a brief mindfulness session to help them centre their attention and calm their mind. Over time, regular practice of mindfulness can improve concentration and reduce distractions.

4. Implementing Structured Routines

Establishing structured routines can help improve attention by providing predictability and consistency in children’s daily activities. Create a daily schedule that includes dedicated times for homework, meals, play, and rest. Ensure that your child knows what to expect each day and encourage them to stick to the routine. Consistent routines help minimize distractions and create an environment conducive to focused learning.

To further reinforce the routine, create a visual schedule or checklist that outlines the tasks your child needs to complete each day. Include specific times for homework, chores, and leisure activities. Display the schedule in a prominent place where your child can easily refer to it, such as on the refrigerator or a bulletin board.

5. Breaking Tasks into Smaller Steps

Complex tasks can overwhelm children and lead to difficulties in sustaining attention. Teach your child the importance of breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps. For example, when working on a challenging English worksheet that requires your child to analyze a poem or passage and answer comprehension questions. Instead of approaching the worksheet as a whole, help your child break it down into smaller, strategic steps to enhance their focus and attention.

You can start by previewing the worksheet together and discussing the instructions and objectives. Then, encourage your child to read the poem or passage carefully, highlighting key information and making annotations as needed. Next, identify the comprehension questions and categorize them based on their complexity or topic.

Instead of randomly selecting questions to answer, strategize with your child by tackling questions that relate to each other or require similar skills. For example, if there are questions about identifying main ideas and supporting details, focus on those first before moving on to questions about inferencing or analyzing small details.

6. Encouraging Physical Activity and Movement Breaks

Physical activity has been shown to boost cognitive function and attention in children. Encourage your child to engage in regular physical activities such as outdoor play, sports, or even short movement breaks between study sessions. Physical movement helps stimulate blood flow to the brain, improving alertness and concentration. Incorporating brief movement breaks throughout the day can help prevent fatigue and enhance overall focus.

7. Incorporating Multisensory Learning Activities

Multisensory learning engages multiple senses simultaneously, enhancing learning and retention. Encourage your child to use hands-on materials, visual aids, and interactive games to reinforce concepts. For example, when learning about fractions, provide physical objects like blocks or fruit slices for children to manipulate and explore. By appealing to different senses, multisensory activities cater to diverse learning styles and deepen understanding.

8. Providing Clear and Concise Instructions

Clear communication is essential for maintaining attention and understanding instructions. When assigning tasks or explaining concepts, use simple language and break down instructions into clear steps. Avoid overwhelming children with too much information at once. Instead, provide instructions in small, digestible chunks, ensuring that your child understands each step before moving on. Clear and concise instructions minimize confusion and promote focused attention.

9. Utilizing Visual Aids and Organizers

Visual aids and organizers are valuable tools for supporting working memory and attention. Encourage your child to use visual aids such as charts, diagrams, or graphic organizers to represent information visually. For instance, when studying vocabulary words, create flashcards with pictures or illustrations to help reinforce memory. Visual organizers help children organize thoughts, make connections, and retrieve information more efficiently.


As parents, we play a crucial role in nurturing our children’s cognitive development. By implementing these effective tips and strategies, we can help improve working memory and attention in our primary school students. From chunking information to incorporating mindfulness practices, each approach offers valuable support for enhancing cognitive skills. Let’s empower our children with the tools they need to succeed academically and thrive in the classroom.

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Math Adventures at Home: Hands-On Activities for Primary Math Excellence

Math Adventures at Home: Hands-On Activities for Primary Math Excellence

Are you looking for creative ways to make math learning fun and engaging for your child at home?

Mathematics is a fundamental skill that lays the foundation for various aspects of life. As Singaporean parents, we understand the importance of nurturing strong math skills in our children from a young age. However, teaching math can sometimes feel daunting, especially when capturing our child’s interest. That’s where “Math Adventures at Home” comes in – a journey of discovery and exploration that transforms learning into an exciting adventure!

Why Hands-On Math Activities Matter

Hands-on math activities are more than just fun and games – they are powerful learning tools that engage children’s senses and stimulate their minds. Children develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts by manipulating objects, experimenting with concepts, solving real-world problems and gaining confidence in their abilities. Hands-on activities also promote critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity, setting the stage for academic excellence and lifelong math success.

Setting the Stage for Math Adventures

Creating a supportive learning environment at home is essential for fostering a love of math in children. Set aside a designated space for math activities, stocked with essential materials such as blocks, counters, measuring tools, and puzzles. Encourage exploration and experimentation, allowing your child to learn through play and discovery. By providing a nurturing environment where curiosity is encouraged, and mistakes are viewed as opportunities for learning, you set the stage for exciting math adventures at home.

Math Adventures for Primary Learners

Let the math adventures begin! Explore various hands-on math activities tailored to primary school children that cover essential mathematical concepts. From counting and basic operations to geometry and measurement, a wealth of engaging activities are waiting to be discovered. Whether sorting objects by colour and shape, building geometric shapes with blocks, or measuring ingredients for a recipe, each activity offers a unique opportunity for learning and exploration. Get ready to embark on a mathematical journey filled with curiosity, discovery, and endless possibilities!

Incorporating Math into Everyday Life

The world of mathematics surrounds us, and we can explore it through our daily activities and experiences. You can take advantage of everyday moments like cooking, shopping, or gardening to reinforce mathematical concepts in a constructive way. By involving your child in measuring ingredients, counting items at the grocery store, or estimating distances during a nature walk, you can help them build a strong foundation in mathematics. By integrating math into real-life situations, you can show your child the practical application of mathematical concepts, which can foster a positive attitude towards learning.

An example activity: Baking with Measurements

  • Materials Needed: Ingredients for a simple recipe (e.g., cookies, muffins), measuring cups and spoons
  • Instructions: Involve your child in measuring and mixing ingredients for a favourite recipe. Practice measuring liquids and dry ingredients using measuring cups and spoons, and discuss concepts such as capacity and volume. Follow the recipe instructions together, adjusting measurements as needed.
  • Learning Outcome: By doing this, you introduce practical measurement skills, reinforce understanding of units of measurement, and promote mathematical reasoning and problem-solving through real-life cooking experiences.

Another example activity: Grocery Shopping with a Budget

  • Materials Needed: Shopping list, calculator (optional), pen and paper
  • Instructions: Before heading to the grocery store, sit down with your child and create a shopping list together. Discuss the items you need to buy and set a budget for the shopping trip. Explain that you’ll be practicing addition and subtraction skills while staying within the budget.
  • As you navigate the aisles of the grocery store, involve your child in comparing prices, estimating totals, and making decisions based on budget constraints. Encourage them to calculate the cost of each item and keep track of the running total on a piece of paper or using a calculator.
  • As you proceed through the shopping list, challenge your child to adjust their calculations if they encounter unexpected expenses or find items that are priced differently than anticipated. Encourage them to problem-solve and make informed decisions to stay within the budget.
  • Once you’ve completed the shopping trip, review the receipts together and compare the actual total with the budgeted amount. Discuss any differences and reflect on the shopping experience, highlighting the mathematical skills used and lessons learned.

Example activity: Planting a Garden  

  • Materials: Garden bed, soil, seeds/seedlings, measuring tape
  • Measure Garden Bed: Use a measuring tape to measure length and width of the garden bed. Calculate the area by multiplying length and width, and the perimeter by adding all sides’ lengths.
  • Plan Plant Layout: Discuss spacing and arrangement with your child. Consider plant size and sunlight needs. Use math to determine plant placement for optimal growth.
  • Planting: Involve your child in planting seeds or seedlings, ensuring proper spacing between plants. Use measuring tape for accuracy.
  • Monitoring Growth: Throughout the season, measure plant height and spread. Record measurements in a journal to track growth progress.
  • By integrating math into gardening, you create an engaging learning experience that develops measurement and geometry skills while fostering a love for nature.

Nurturing a Growth Mindset in Math

Encourage your child to embrace effort, persistence, and resilience and focus on the process instead of the outcome. Praising their efforts and highlighting the value of mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning will motivate them to tackle new challenges confidently. 

It’s normal for your child to encounter complex math problems they can’t solve immediately. But by encouraging them to find the answer and analyze the problem differently, you’ll help them build valuable problem-solving skills. 

With time, you’ll see your child progress and develop a positive attitude toward learning. By instilling a growth mindset in math, you’ll empower your child to take on any challenge with a determination to succeed.

Partnering with Schools and Educators

Collaborate with your child’s school and educators to support their math learning journey. Stay informed about the curriculum and learning objectives, and communicate regularly with teachers to identify areas where your child may need additional support or enrichment. Attend parent-teacher meetings, workshops, and events focused on math education to gain insights and strategies for supporting your child’s learning at home. By working together with schools and educators, you can provide a cohesive learning experience that reinforces math concepts and promotes academic success.


Math adventures await! By embracing hands-on activities, integrating math into everyday life, nurturing a growth mindset, and educational partnerships, you can create a rich and immersive learning experience for your child at home. Turn math learning into an exciting adventure filled with exploration, discovery, and endless possibilities. Together, let’s inspire a love of math in our children and lay the foundation for a lifetime of mathematical excellence.

in:genius by NASCANS is an award-winning student care brand with over 15 years of experience running quality student care centres across Singapore. Powered by NASCANS, the leading operator of school-based student care centres, our award-winning programmes at in:genius by NASCANS have been voted Singapore’s Best Student Care Programme for consecutive years and helped children reach their fullest potential.

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Effective Homework Time Management for Kids

Effective Homework Time Management for Kids

Are you struggling to help your child manage their homework effectively?

We all understand how crucial time management is, especially for our kids’ academic performance. However, homework management can sometimes appear to be an overwhelming task, especially for primary school children. But with the right approach and mindset, we can turn this challenge into an opportunity for our children to develop practical time management skills that will benefit them academically and in their future endeavours.

Developing strong time-management skills is an empowering step towards achieving academic success and beyond. Efficiently managing one’s time can enable children to easily complete their homework assignments, leaving them with ample time to engage in extracurricular activities and spend quality time with their loved ones. Furthermore, mastering time-management skills early on can foster lifelong productivity and success, helping individuals confidently and efficiently navigate their personal and professional lives.

Creating a Dedicated Homework Space

Creating a dedicated homework space is vital to ensuring your child’s academic success. A quiet, well-lit area free from distractions can help your child concentrate better and develop good study habits. Your child can focus on their work with natural or bright lighting, a desk or table, and a comfortable chair. Setting a homework routine and offering rewards for achieving academic goals can encourage your child’s commitment to their studies. With a dedicated homework space, you can give your child the tools to thrive academically and achieve their full potential.

Setting Realistic Goals

Encourage your child to set realistic goals for each homework session. Break down assignments into smaller tasks and prioritize them based on deadlines and importance. By setting achievable goals, your child will feel accomplished after every task, boosting their confidence and motivation.

Let’s say your child has a math assignment that involves completing a set of practice problems from his textbook due next week. Here’s how you could help him set realistic goals for each homework session:

  • Your child can start by breaking down the assignment into smaller tasks that he will do each day until the deadline.
  • Next, he prioritizes these tasks based on importance. If certain topics are more challenging for your child, consider tackling them first to allow more time for practice and understanding.
  • You help your child set achievable goals for each section. For instance, if he has one hour to work on the assignment, he could aim to complete a certain number of problems within that time frame, depending on the complexity of the problems.

Prioritizing Tasks

One of the best ways to help your child succeed in their homework is by teaching them the importance of prioritizing tasks. This will enable them to manage their time better and avoid procrastination. Start by encouraging them to identify the urgent assignments or tasks that require more concentration and encourage them to tackle those tasks first. 

For instance, if your child has an English writing assignment due tomorrow, your child needs to prioritize this task. Make sure your child focuses on that before moving on to other tasks. For instance, if he has one hour to work on the assignment, he could aim to complete outlining and note-taking in the first 15 minutes and then spend the remaining time writing the assigned topic.

Establishing a Homework Routine

Establishing a consistent homework routine is critical when it comes to effective time management. As a parent, working collaboratively with your child to determine a homework schedule that aligns with their preferences and daily routine is essential. Consider setting aside specific blocks of time each day for homework, such as 30 minutes after dinner or before bedtime. It’s important to factor in your child’s energy levels and extracurricular activities when selecting the best times for homework. By sticking to a consistent routine, your child will develop good study habits, feel more organized and in control of their workload, and ultimately achieve better academic outcomes.

Utilizing Time Management Tools

Introducing your child to age-appropriate time management tools and techniques can be a valuable way to help them stay organized. For example, using timers or keeping track of assignments and deadlines with planners is an effective strategy for breaking down homework into manageable chunks. Equipping your child with the right tools can empower them to take charge of their homework and manage their time effectively.

Encouraging Breaks and Rewards

Encouraging your child to take regular breaks during their homework can help prevent burnout and maintain focus. By incorporating short breaks into their homework time, your child will be able to recharge and relax before tackling the next task.

Introduce your child to the Pomodoro Technique – a proven technique to help them become more productive and focused. The method involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. After completing four cycles, your child can take a more extended break of 15-30 minutes. During these breaks, suggest that they stretch, get a healthy snack, or step outside for fresh air to rejuvenate their mind and body.

Motivating your child can be challenging, but a reward system can be highly effective. Set weekly homework goals with your child, such as completing all assignments without procrastination. Celebrate their accomplishments at the end of each week by rewarding them with a small treat or privilege, such as choosing a family movie night or having a special meal together.

Teaching Self-Reflection

It is crucial to encourage your child to reflect on their homework routine and time management skills regularly. By helping them identify areas where they excel and areas where they can improve, you can foster self-awareness and accountability, empowering your child to take ownership of their learning journey and make positive changes. Creating a structured study schedule, providing necessary resources, and having open conversations about study habits can help them stay motivated and avoid burnout.

Involving Parents and Teachers

As a parent, it is crucial to maintain close communication with your child’s teachers and stay updated about their assignments and deadlines. Regularly connect with the teachers to discuss any issues or concerns your child may face. At the same time, provide guidance and support to your child without micromanaging. This will enable them to build independence and resilience.


By implementing specific strategies, parents can help their children develop practical time management skills for homework that will be useful throughout their academic journey. By creating a suitable environment for studying, setting realistic goals, and establishing a consistent routine, parents can empower their children to take control of their learning and achieve success. Patience and encouragement are key, especially as the child learns how to navigate the challenges of homework and time management. Together, we can help our children thrive academically and develop essential skills for their future.

At in:genius by NASCANS, we are committed to nurturing young minds and unlocking the genius within. Homework supervision is just one part of our comprehensive student care programme, which has won many accolades and awards over the past 5 years, including “Best Student Care Programme in Holistic Development” and “Top Student Care Brand”. Our team of experienced and qualified educators undergo over 200 hours of training, and are passionately devoted to moulding self-assured, confident and well-rounded individuals.

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The Power of Storytelling: How it can enhance your Primary School child’s English Abilities

The Power of Storytelling: How it can enhance your Primary School child’s English Abilities

Have you ever wondered how to help your child become more confident and articulate in English? As Singaporean parents, we understand the importance of mastering English oral communication skills in our competitive society. 

Here’s a little secret: storytelling can unlock your child’s language and communication potential. 

In this article, we will delve into the benefits of storytelling and provide some tips to help children improve their English communication skills.

Benefits of Storytelling for Primary Children

When children listen to stories, they are not only absorbing language but also learning about narrative structure, vocabulary, and social interactions. For example, children can broaden their understanding of diversity and empathy by listening to a story about different cultures.

Furthermore, storytelling stimulates the imagination and creativity of children. Engaging with stories encourages them to visualize scenes, characters, and settings, enhancing their ability to express themselves verbally. For instance, after hearing a fantastical tale about a magical kingdom, children may be inspired to create their own stories, improving their language fluency and storytelling skills.

Storytelling is an incredibly valuable tool for primary school children. It offers many benefits that can aid in their growth and development.

  1. It facilitates language acquisition by exposing them to a rich and varied contextual vocabulary.
  2. Storytelling helps develop listening and comprehension skills as children learn to follow the plot, identify characters, and understand the message.
  3. It fosters creativity and imagination, encouraging children to think outside the box and explore new ideas through storytelling prompts and activities.

Imagine when a parent reads a story about a young adventurer exploring a mysterious forest. Through this narrative, the child not only learns new words like “adventurer” and “mysterious” but also engages in critical thinking as they imagine what the forest might look like and what challenges the adventurer might face. Additionally, storytelling can be used to teach moral values and life lessons, instilling essential virtues such as empathy, kindness, and perseverance in children.

Why does Storytelling enhance English oral communication skills?

Through exposure to stories, children become familiar with natural language patterns, sentence structures, and vocabulary usage. They absorb these patterns and unconsciously incorporate them into their own speech, leading to more fluent and natural communication.

Stories introduce children to a wide range of vocabulary in context. As they encounter new words and phrases within the narrative, they learn their meanings and how to use them appropriately in conversation, thereby enriching their vocabulary and improving their ability to express themselves effectively. All of the above will enable them to comprehend spoken English more easily and respond appropriately in conversations.

How to introduce storytelling into your daily routine

Incorporating storytelling into your daily routine is easier than it may seem. For a start, set aside a specific time each day to read aloud to your child, whether it’s before bedtime or during meals. 

You can choose picture books with simple language and vibrant illustrations for younger children, while older children may enjoy chapter books with more complex plots and characters. You can also use props, puppets or role-playing to make storytelling more interactive and engaging. By making storytelling a fun experience, you can help your child develop a lifelong love for language and communication.

Overcoming Challenges

While storytelling can be a powerful tool for enhancing primary English oral communication skills, it’s not without its challenges. One common obstacle is managing distractions and maintaining your child’s attention during storytelling sessions. To overcome this, it is better to create a quiet, comfortable environment free from distractions and use expressive gestures and vocal inflexions to capture your child’s interest.

Another challenge is selecting culturally appropriate stories that are sensitive to your child’s background and experiences. It’s important to choose stories that reflect diverse perspectives and experiences, allowing your child to see themselves represented in the characters and themes of the story. By addressing these challenges proactively, you can create a more inclusive and enriching storytelling experience for your child.

One valuable tip is to select stories that align with your child’s interests and passions. Whether they’re fascinated by dinosaurs, enchanted by princesses, or intrigued by outer space, choosing a topic that resonates with your child can help keep distractions at bay and foster more profound engagement with the story. By catering to your child’s unique interests, you can make storytelling sessions more enjoyable and meaningful for both of you.

Resources and Tools

Fortunately, plenty of resources and tools are available to help parents enhance their children’s English oral communication skills through storytelling. From libraries and bookstores to online platforms and apps, there’s no shortage of stories to explore with your child. 

Additionally, consider attending workshops or joining community programs focused on storytelling and language development to gain new insights and strategies for engaging your child in storytelling activities. Parents can also choose an after-school Student Care that provides an English Excellence programme to improve their child’s communication skills. At in:genius by NASCANS , our English Excellence programme is specially designed by our in-house experts to enhance children’s English language proficiency and boost their self-confidence in the English language.

in:genius by NASCANS is an award-winning student care brand with over 15 years of experience running quality student care centres across Singapore. Our award-winning programmes have been voted Singapore’s Best Student Care Programme for consecutive years and helped children reach their fullest potential.

In conclusion, storytelling is a powerful tool for enhancing English oral communication skills in primary school students. By incorporating storytelling into your daily routine and choosing age-appropriate stories that capture your child’s interest and imagination, you can help them develop language fluency, listening comprehension, creativity, and empathy. So why wait? Start unleashing your child’s potential through the power of storytelling today!