
English Excellence

Build Your Child’s Confidence in the English language

Stretch your child’s potential in the English language! At in:genius, our English tutorials are thoughtfully crafted to build up students’ confidence and exam-ready skills to excel in their examinations.

Cultivating a Love for The English Language

Fun and interactive content with colorful illustrations

Engaging storytelling with Q&A and peer discussions

Results-oriented learning with in-class assignments and worksheets

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pave the road to success
in English exams

Key Highlights

  • Comprehensive coverage of exam components from Papers 1 (Writing), 2 (Language Use and Comprehension), 3 (Listening Comprehension) and 4 (Oral Communication) to help students excel in exams and the PSLE
  • Spiral progression learning approach to deepen the understanding of the core English components that will aid the students’ growth towards mastering the language
  • Specially curated content (fiction and non-fiction) of different text types for students to acquire proficiency in grammar, vocabulary and text structures
  • Varied teaching adoptions to facilitate and optimise the learning outcomes for every individual student
  • Added convenience and hassle-free experience for weekday classes conducted during student care hours
  • Comprehensive coverage of exam components from Papers 1 (Writing), 2 (Language Use and Comprehension), 3 (Listening Comprehension) and 4 (Oral Communication) to help students excel in exams and the PSLE
  • Spiral progression learning approach to deepen the understanding of the core English components that will aid the students’ growth towards mastering the language
  • Authentic and meaningful contexts for language learning using a thematic approach to aid students in their understanding and retention of information
  • Specially curated content (fiction and non-fiction) of different text types for students to acquire proficiency in grammar, vocabulary and text structures
  • Study notes included in worksheets to allow for easy revision
  • Pre-lesson online activity uploaded every week to boost students’ learning before every lesson
  • Weekly quiz after each class via online learning management system to test understanding & promote student engagement
  • Varied teaching adoptions to facilitate and optimise the learning outcomes for every individual student
  • Added convenience and hassle-free experience for weekday classes conducted during student care hours

Tailor-Made Solutions for your child

Students will build interest and a strong foundation in different areas of English: Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Writing, Speaking, Listening and Presenting. Lessons are engaging and presented in an interactive manner. Examples of skills & knowledge acquired:

⭐️Learning thematic vocabulary from a variety of fun topics such as places, sports and hobbies
⭐️Learning important grammar concepts to build a good foundation, such as nouns, verbs and adjectives
⭐️Exposed to different types of questions in Comprehension
⭐️Learning how to write stories through class and group activities
⭐️Building skills in speaking, listening and presenting through reading aloud, pick-and-tell and listening comprehension &

Students continue to strengthen their foundation in different areas of English. The topics and activities will build on their prior knowledge and real-life experiences to help them make sense of their surroundings. Examples of skills & knowledge acquired:

⭐️Learning thematic vocabulary from a variety of topics to help them describe their experiences in their daily lives, like
     riding a bicycle or celebrating birthdays.
⭐️Learning important grammar concepts to continue to build a good foundation, such as tenses, subject-verb
     agreements and pronouns
⭐️Exposed to different types of questions in Comprehension
⭐️Learning how to write stories through class and group activities
⭐️Building skills in speaking, listening and presenting through reading aloud, pick-and-tell and listening comprehension

Students expand their knowledge of the surroundings and environment and develop proficiency in examination techniques through thoughtfully handpicked topics and activities. Examples of skills & knowledge acquired:

⭐️Learning thematic vocabulary from a variety of topics
⭐️Learning essential grammar concepts such as connectors, tenses and verbs
⭐️Answering different levels of thinking questions: remembering, understanding, inferring and drawing conclusions
⭐️Writing interesting stories using story planners, creative phrases and writing techniques
⭐️Building proficiency in speaking, listening and presenting through reading aloud, stimulus-based conversation and listening
     comprehension practices

Students will be exposed to a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, and explicit coverage of exam techniques and skills will aid in their preparation for school exams. Examples of skills and knowledge acquired:

⭐️Annotating the features, organisational structures and patterns in texts
⭐️Using the Three Level Guide and the Question-Answer Relationship Strategy to answer reading comprehension questions
⭐️Developing characters by using the Do-Say-Think-Feel Strategy
⭐️Developing the plot in stories by using the Transition-Action-Details Strategy
⭐️Planning stories by using a story mountain
⭐️Giving and receiving feedback through peer and teacher conferencing

Students will go further in-depth into the different areas of English learning for exams. They will also engage in thoughtful discussion on current affairs and how to reflect on their part as a global citizen in the 21st century. Examples of skills and knowledge acquired:

⭐️Answering different levels of questions (remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating, and creating)
⭐️Practising visible thinking routines (e.g., Circle of Viewpoints; I used to think… Now I think…, Claim, Support, Question and Compass Points)
⭐️Annotating the features, organisational structures and patterns in texts
⭐️Generating ideas through the techniques of freewriting, clustering, listing, and cubing
⭐️Using dialogues to develop characters
⭐️Using similes, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia, hyperboles, and idioms to show, not tell
⭐️Using effective techniques to begin and end stories

Students will be consolidating and clarifying any doubts about what they have covered since Primary 1 to prepare them for PSLE.

Examples of skills and knowledge acquired:
⭐️Using the comprehension cycle to understand complex texts
⭐️Focusing on actions to develop the plot by using the Actions-Feelings-Setting Strategy
⭐️Planning stories by using a Content-Purpose-Audience Chart
⭐️Giving and receiving feedback through peer and teacher conferencing

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Our classes have a maximum of 12 students, averaging 6-8 students per class. This ensures personalised attention and encourages student participation.

Our team of experienced and qualified educators undergo rigorous training, accumulating over 200 hours of comprehensive instruction through our teacher training model. Here, teachers are not just bearers of knowledge; they actively engage in the holistic well-being of each child.

At in:genius, we believe active and enjoyable learning experiences are paramount. For this reason, we have thoughtfully crafted our lessons to maximise student interaction and engagement, leading to greater retention and success in their studies.