
Mathematics Excellence

Nurturing Confident Problem Solvers

Unlock your child’s potential in Mathematics at in:genius! Our tutorials employ a highly effective teaching method to foster a thorough and lasting comprehension of mathematics in students. This results in a dynamic and engaging learning journey that enhances their exam skills and boosts their confidence.

Exciting The Mind for Mathematics

Connecting concepts to real-life applications

Hands-on learning with in-class assignments and worksheets

Challenging math problems to ignite their problem-solving skills

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pave the road to success in Mathematics exams

Key Highlights

  • Structured lessons for effective learning and understanding of mathematical concepts
  • Engage students to learn within a fun and safe set of parameters
  • Enable students to completely understand and internalise abstract concepts using pictorial representations
  • Specially curated content to give students opportunities to hone and apply their problem-solving skills in real-world contexts as well as during examinations
  • Experienced teaching and curriculum team with decades of experience
  • Added convenience and hassle-free experience for weekday classes conducted during student care hours
  • Structured lessons for effective learning and understanding of mathematical concepts
  • Lesson pivoted by a 3-pronged approach to optimise learning:
  • Anchor task - before and during formal lesson, students will be presented with problem(s) for discussion and solution exploration
  • Guided practice - formal lessons and practices facilitated by the teacher
  • Independent practice - use of Student Workbook to reinforce and encourage independent learning
  • Use of manipulatives
  • Engage students to learn within a fun and safe set of parameters
  • Enable students to completely understand and internalise abstract concepts using pictorial representations
  • Specially curated content to give students opportunities to hone and apply their problem-solving skills in real-world contexts as well as during examinations
  • Experienced teaching and curriculum team with decades of experience
  • Added convenience and hassle-free experience for weekday classes conducted during student care hours

Tailor-Made Solutions for your child

Students will be introduced to concepts in Whole Numbers, Measurements, Geometry and Data Analysis where they will build strong foundations. In addition, they will learn basic problem-solving skills and be expected to solve problems.

Examples of skills & knowledge acquired:
⭐️Solving problems using heuristics such as Model Drawing, Systematic Listing, Find a Pattern and Draw a Diagram
⭐️Doing simple calculations using the 4 operators (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division)
⭐️Developing skills in interpreting data in picture graphs, perform simple measurements, drawing and identifying simple                shapes

Student will continue to build on the basics taught in Primary 1 with increased depth. They will be exposed to more challenging questions and topics to test their critical thinking skills. Students will also learn new topics such as Fractions, Volume and Mass.

Examples of skills & knowledge acquired:
⭐️Learning and applying heuristics such as Model Drawing: Multiplication and Division and Restate the Problem
⭐️Solving word problems that are more complex and require critical thinking skills
⭐️Developing skills in dealing with larger numbers, different units of measurement and addition/subtraction of fractions

Students will be equipped with the necessary skills to tackle formal examinations with ease and confidence. They will reinforce what they have learnt in Primary 1 and 2 while mastering new topics such as Area and Perimeter, Angles, Parallel and Perpendicular Lines.

Examples of skills & knowledge acquired:
⭐️Solving problems using heuristics such as Guess and Check and Working Backwards
⭐️Developing further their critical thinking skills in solving new topical word problems that are more challenging

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We recognize that each student has unique learning needs and have tailored our teaching approach to match these needs. Our experienced and qualified teachers provide personalized instruction customized to each student's pace of learning. Our goal is to provide every student with the support they need to excel in math and achieve their academic goals.

Our classes have a maximum of 12 students, averaging 6-8 students per class. This ensures personalised attention and encourages student participation.

Our team of experienced and qualified educators undergo rigorous training, accumulating over 200 hours of comprehensive instruction through our teacher training model. Here, teachers are not just bearers of knowledge; they actively engage in the holistic well-being of each child.

At in:genius, we believe active and enjoyable learning experiences are paramount. For this reason, we have thoughtfully crafted our lessons to maximise student interaction and engagement, leading to greater retention and success in their studies.