Signature Programmes


Student Care

At in:genius, we offer a holistic approach to learning that fosters academic excellence, intelligent thinking skills, effective time management, and independence. Our experienced teachers are trained to safeguard the overall well-being and oversee holistic development of students, whether it is supporting completion of homework assignments, clarifying convoluted mathematical concepts, or imparting life skills and positive habits to students.

Homework Supervision & Academic Boosters

At in:genius, we understand the importance of quality time between parents and children. That’s why our team of dedicated and experienced teachers provide thorough homework supervision for students, ensuring they have the support they need to ace their assignments. As part of our commitment to academic success, we also provide a carefully curated list of assessment books and review key concepts with our students to help boost their understanding of significant subjects. Parents can rely on us to provide the essential guidance and support to help their children reach their full potential.

Intelligent Thinking Habits

Our goal is to inculcate a proven set of intelligent habits in our students through our T.I.T.A.N.S programme which is based on the Habits of MindTM framework, an intelligent thinking framework employed by Singapore’s Ministry of Education to cultivate the top 1% of students through the Gifted Education Programme (GEP).

Creative Expression & Scientific Thinking

Our signature enrichment programmes, Impression ArtsTM and Scientific InquiryTM, provide an opportunity for children to nurture and develop their creative prowess, analytical mindset, and problem-solving skills. Through these programmes, children can enjoy a positive and engaging learning experience, enabling them to express themselves freely and let their imaginations soar.

Diverse Range of Holiday Programmes

At in:genius, we offer enrichment programmes that give children a deep understanding of fundamental concepts in various subjects. Our holiday programmes are designed to be educational and enjoyable, with a range of fun and adventurous activities based on S.T.E.M. These activities allow children to explore their interests and talents without any academic pressure. With our programmes, children can discover new hobbies and passions, such as coding, art jamming, terrarium building, gourmet cooking, and outdoor excursions, amongst others!

Positive Character Education

At in:genius, we strive to instil positive character traits in children with programmes such as Habits in Action, which encourage children to develop an intelligent and inquisitive mindset, emotional resilience, and a passion for learning and innovation. This cultivates their self-confidence and broadens their perspective of the world around them, helping them grow into well-rounded individuals better equipped to face life’s challenges with poise and resilience.


in:genius student care centres are strategically located in various areas of Singapore. To know more about the location of our centres, click here.

Our student care fees are competitively priced against other premium providers. To know more about our student care programmes and school fees, contact us here, and our friendly admissions team will gladly share more information with you.

At in:genius, our programme takes a comprehensive approach to learning that promotes academic excellence, critical thinking skills, creativity and curiosity. Our team of subject specialists has developed programmes to cover English, Chinese, mathematics and science tuition for primary school students to supplement their learning in school. Furthermore, our T.I.T.A.N.S programme is meticulously designed to instil intelligent thinking skills in children, drawing inspiration from the Habits of Mind™ framework. This framework is employed by Singapore's Ministry of Education for grooming the top 1% of Primary School students under its Gifted Education Programme (GEP).

In comparison, at NASCANS in MOE Primary Schools, there is much less emphasis on academic excellence and coaching, as the programmes there are designed to complement MOE's framework for 21st-century competencies and student development by focusing primarily on the 4 domains of Homework Supervision, Outdoor, Character Education and Enrichment.

Our team of experienced and qualified educators undergo rigorous training, accumulating over 200 hours of comprehensive instruction through our teacher training model. Here, teachers are not just bearers of knowledge; they actively engage in the holistic well-being of each child.