Mathematics Excellence

In a world where computations and quantitative reasoning skills are in high demand, your child needs to build a strong foundation in Mathematics from a young age!

Unlock your child’s potential in Mathematics at in:genius by NASCANS! Our Academic Excellence programmes employ a highly effective teaching method to foster a thorough and lasting comprehension of mathematics in students. This results in a dynamic and engaging learning journey that enhances their exam skills and boosts their confidence.

Key Highlights

  • Structured lessons for effective learning and understanding of mathematical concepts
  • Lesson pivoted by a 3-pronged approach to optimise learning:
  • Anchor task – before and during formal lesson, students will be presented with problem(s) for discussion and solution exploration
  • Guided practice – formal lessons and practices facilitated by the teacher
  • Independent practice – use of Student Workbook to reinforce and encourage independent learning
  • Use of manipulatives
  • Engage students to learn within a fun and safe set of parameters
  • Enable students to completely understand and internalise abstract concepts using pictorial representations
  • Specially curated content to give students opportunities to hone and apply their problem-solving skills in real-world contexts as well as during examinations
  • Experienced teaching and curriculum team with decades of experience
  • Added convenience and hassle-free experience for weekday classes conducted during student care hours