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How to Foster a Growth Mindset in Kids: Best Practical Tips and Activities       

How to Foster a Growth Mindset in Kids: Best Practical Tips and Activities

Imagine your child comes home with a C on their test. How would you react? Instead of focusing on the grade itself, consider praising their effort and viewing it as part of a larger learning process. In cultivating a growth mindset in children, it’s crucial to emphasise the journey rather than just the outcome.

According to a growth mindset, intelligence and abilities are adaptable; children can develop their skills and traits through hard work, perseverance, and dedication. By instilling a growth mindset in your children, you can teach them to take on challenges headfirst, bounce back in the face of setbacks, and realise their full potential. 

Here are some effective strategies to inspire creativity in English writing tasks:

Understanding Growth Mindset

At its core, a growth mindset is about establishing a belief system that fosters learning and development. Children who hold a growth mindset see challenges as opportunities to grow, consider effort to be the driving force behind mastery, and regard setbacks as minor glitches that do not define them. Conversely, a fixed mindset assumes that qualities and skills are fixed and innate. Consequently, those who adhere to a fixed mindset tend to steer clear of challenges for fear of failing head-on. 

Let’s explore some practical tips for fostering a growth mindset in children.

Praise Effort, Not Intelligence:

Let’s say, your child completed a challenging puzzle. Instead of just saying “Good job!”, focus on acknowledging their effort and perseverance.

What and when to say: while your child diligently worked on a puzzle for an hour, you might say, “I’m really impressed by how you stuck with it, even when it got tough. Your determination paid off!”

As your child placed the final piece of the puzzle, take a moment to praise their effort and perseverance. Avoid immediately commenting on the final completed puzzle; instead, emphasise the process of solving it. This teaches them that hard work and persistence are more important than the end result.

Encourage Risk-Taking and Exploring:

Create a safe environment so your child feels comfortable to take risks and try new activities without fear of failure or judgement.

What to do and say: on a weekend outing, suggest trying a new hobby or activity that your child hasn’t shown interest in before, such as painting or rock climbing. As they express hesitation, reassure them by saying, “It’s okay to feel uncertain, but trying new things can be exciting! Let’s give it a shot together. Remember, it’s more about the experience and what we learn along the way than whether we succeed or not.”

Encourage them to step out of their comfort zone. Emphasise the value of exploration and learning from new experiences, regardless of the outcome. This instils in them the idea that taking risks and exploring the unknown can lead to personal growth and development.

Provide Constructive Feedback:

After your child completed a drawing, instead of just praising the finished product, offer specific feedback on areas for improvement and strategies to enhance their skills.

What to say:  “I really like how you used different colours to make the sky and grass stand out! One thing you could work on is adding more details to the trees to make them look more realistic. Maybe try using smaller strokes or different shades of green. Remember, art is all about practice and learning from each piece you create.”

By highlighting specific areas for improvement and offering constructive suggestions, you’re teaching them the importance of continuous effort and perseverance in achieving their goals. This encourages them to embrace challenges and view feedback as an opportunity for growth.

Model a Growth Mindset:

Lead by example. Share personal stories with your child when they encounter problems, to show the times when you faced challenges, experienced frustration, and persevered without giving up.

What to say: You might say to your child, “Last week, I encountered a problem at work that seemed really difficult to solve. Instead of getting discouraged, I reminded myself that setbacks are a natural part of learning and growth. So, I took a step back, brainstormed different solutions, and kept trying until I found one that worked. It wasn’t easy, but I learned a lot along the way, and that’s what matters most.”

By demonstrating how you faced challenges and persevered, you’re modelling the importance of resilience and continuous learning. This helps your child understand that setbacks are opportunities for growth and that perseverance is key to success.

Normalise Mistakes and Failures:

Teach your child to view mistakes as part of the learning process by creating an environment where errors are celebrated as opportunities for growth.

Let’s say, you allocate some weekends with your child in the kitchen, guiding them to bake/cook using children-friendly recipes. 

What to say: when they make a mistake while attempting a new recipe, you might say, “It’s okay that the cake didn’t turn out well as expected this time. Cooking is all about experimenting and learning from mistakes. Let’s talk about what we can do differently next time to improve the outcome. Remember, every mistake is a chance to become better at what we do!”

By embracing errors and discussing ways to learn from them, you’re teaching your child to approach challenges with resilience and a positive attitude. This helps them develop a healthy relationship with failure and fosters a growth mindset centred on continuous improvement.

Engaging Activities to Foster a Growth Mindset

Goal Setting and Reflection: Have your child set attainable goals for themselves while also engaging in weekly reflection. Discuss the steps and processes that are needed to reach their goals and celebrate small victories along the way. Encourage them to adjust their goals as they receive feedback and meet new challenges.

Journaling: Encourage your child to keep a growth mindset journal in which they write down their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Ask them to share what they have learned from their achievements, motivate them to reflect on difficult experiences, and include what strategies they have come up with to address the issue. 

Learning Challenges and Projects: Encourage your child to participate in hands-on learning problems and projects that promote problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. Encourage them to think about problems with curiosity and persistence, experiment with various methods, and seek assistance if necessary.

Mindfulness and Relaxation Exercises: Educate your child about mindfulness and relaxation techniques that can benefit from stress and anxiety reduction. Get them to take part in deep breathing exercises, guided meditation, or yoga with you to learn more about emotional resilience and self-calming strategies.

Reading Growth Mindset Literature: Expand your child’s mind and cognitive ability by reading books and stories. Read together and talk through the experiences of the characters, focusing on effort, perseverance, and resilience, and how these traits helped them reach their goals.


Cultivating a growth mindset in children is a long-term commitment that takes time, encouragement, and persistence. By practising these tips and activities with kids at home, parents can help kids strengthen their resilience, perseverance, and love for learning. From applauding efforts and providing concrete feedback to promoting risk-taking and exploration, parents have a significant impact on a child’s mindset when it comes to challenges and struggles.

At in:genius Student Care Centre, we nurture kids to have positive learning model of growth, helping kids develop self-motivation to take on life’s challenges, persist through obstacles, and maximise their potential for success. By having a growth mindset as a core belief, kids will go through the journey of learning with excitement and confidence, and have a “can-do” attitude toward life. It’s a path to a lifetime journey of growth and achievement.

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