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5 Ways to Start Your Kid on Financial Literacy

5 Ways to Start Your Kid on Financial Literacy

Financial literacy for kids aged 6-11 years old is crucial for their long-term financial well-being. As parents and educators, teaching primary school students money management concepts lays a solid foundation that prepares them to make informed financial decisions throughout their lives. This guide explores five practical ways to initiate early financial education and empower your child with essential money management skills.

1. Understanding the Basics of Money

Understanding what money is and how it functions is fundamental to early financial education. Money is more than just coins and notes—it’s a tool we use to buy goods and services. For young children, explaining the concept of money in relatable terms is crucial. You can start by illustrating different forms of money, such as coins, banknotes, or even digital payments like cards or apps.

Imagine taking your child to the grocery store. Point out how you use money to pay for groceries. Discuss with them the idea that money represents value—it’s what allows us to buy things we need, like food, and things we want, like toys.

How to Say it:

Parent: “We’re going shopping today. Do you know how we are going to pay for our food? We’re going to use money.

Child: “What is money?”

Parent: “See these coins and notes here? These are what we are going to use to pay for our food.”

Parent: “Can you tell me how much money I have?”

Child: “You have one $10 note and two 50 cent coins!”

Parent: “You’re right! The total cost of our food is $6. We’re going to pay using the $10 note now. Seller is going to give us some change. Let’s count the change together, okay.”

Child: “The seller gave us two $2 notes for change! Two dollars plus two dollars equals four dollars.”

Parent: “Very good! Let’s keep our change in our purse, and walk home to eat our food.”

Understanding the basics of money sets the stage for more advanced financial concepts. It teaches children the value of money and introduces them to the concept of financial transactions.

2. Distinguishing Between Needs and Wants

Learning to differentiate between needs and wants is a critical aspect of money management for children. Needs are essential for survival and well-being, such as food, clothing, and shelter. Wants, on the other hand, are things that make life more enjoyable but are not necessary for survival, like toys, games, and treats.

During a family discussion or classroom activity, create a list of items and categorise them as needs or wants. For instance, ask children if having a new video game is a need or a want. This exercise helps them understand that needs must be met before wants and encourages them to prioritise their spending.

How to Say it:

Child: “Can we buy that new toy car I saw today?”

Parent: “Let’s think about it. Is the toy car a need or a want?”

Child: “It’s a want because it’s just for fun.”

Parent: “Good job! Remember, we need to take care of our needs first. How about we save up some money from your allowance to buy the toy later?”

Child: “Okay, I can do that!”

Parent: “That’s a great plan. Learning to save for wants is a smart way to manage money.”

Teaching children to distinguish between needs and wants promotes responsible decision-making and helps them develop a balanced approach to spending money.

3. Creating a Simple Budget

Introducing budgeting to children is an effective way to instil money management for children. A budget is a plan for how you will spend and save your money. Simplify the concept by starting with their pocket money or allowance. Discuss with them how much they receive and help them allocate portions for saving, spending, and perhaps giving to others.

Sit down with your child at the beginning of the month or week to plan their budget. If they receive $10 a week as pocket money, discuss how much they might want to save for a toy they’ve been wanting and how much they can spend on treats or other items throughout the week. Use a diagram or chart to show your child for easier visualisation.

How to Say it:

Parent: “Let’s make a plan for your pocket money. How much do you get each week?”

Child: “I get $10!”

Parent: “Great! How about we save $4 for your new book, spend $3 on treats, and put $3 in your piggy bank?”

Child: “Okay! I want to save for that book I saw at the store.”

Creating a simple budget encourages children to think ahead, set financial goals, and learn the value of planning and saving for future needs and wants.

4. Setting Up a Savings Account

Setting up a savings account for your child is a practical step towards early financial education.  Many banks offer special savings accounts designed for children. Take your child to the bank to open an account and explain how it works. Encourage them to deposit a portion of their allowance or monetary gifts they receive into the account regularly.

Discuss with your child what they might want to save for—a new bicycle, a favourite toy, or even a family outing. Show them how putting money into their savings account regularly can help them reach their goal faster. Check the account periodically together to see how their savings grow.

How to Say it:

Parent: “Guess what? We can open a special account just for you to keep the money that you save! It’s called a savings account.”

Child: “Wow, like a bank account?”

Parent: “Exactly! We can put some of your birthday money in there, and it will grow over time. What would you like to save for?”

Child: “I want to save for a LEGO set!”

Setting up a savings account teaches children the importance of saving money for future goals, introduces them to banking concepts, and helps them develop good financial habits from an early age.

5. Learning Through Play and Practical Activities

Making learning about money management for children engaging through play and practical activities makes the learning process enjoyable and effective. There are various games, apps, and simulations designed to teach children about money in a fun and interactive way.

Play “store” at home where children take turns being the shopkeeper and customer. Use play money or real coins to simulate buying and selling items. Assign prices to items and encourage them to calculate change. 

How to Say it:

Parent: “Let’s play a game. You be the shopkeeper, and I’ll be the customer. How much does this toy car cost?”

Child: “It’s $2!”

Parent: “Okay, here’s $5. How much change should I get back?”

Child: “You should get $3 back!”

Parent: “Well done! You’re great at this!”

This activity not only reinforces basic math skills but also introduces concepts of budgeting and spending wisely which are important in early financial education. These tools provide hands-on experience and practical knowledge that children can apply in real-life situations.


Teaching early financial education through practical and engaging methods is essential for their future financial well-being. Introducing them to basic money concepts, teaching them to distinguish between needs and wants, creating simple budgets, setting up savings accounts, and learning through play are all valuable ways to initiate money management for children

Empower your child with essential money management skills by exploring more resources and activities on financial literacy for kids. Let in:genius helps you guide your child towards financial success. Investing in early financial education today ensures a brighter financial future for your child tomorrow.

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Mastering PSLE Mathematics: Guide to Maths Heuristics for PSLE

Mastering PSLE Mathematics: Guide to Maths Heuristics for PSLE

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) in Singapore is a significant milestone for every primary school student, with mathematics being one of the core subjects assessed. Mastering PSLE mathematics requires not only understanding concepts but also being good at problem-solving strategies.

One essential aspect of PSLE maths is the application of heuristics, which are problem-solving techniques that help students approach and solve complex mathematical problems more effectively. In this guide, we’ll delve into various maths heuristics tested in the PSLE exam, providing diagrams, worked examples, and practical tips for parents to support their children’s learning at home.

Understanding Maths Heuristics

Maths heuristics are systematic problem-solving strategies that enable students to tackle mathematical problems methodically. These heuristics guide students in breaking down complex problems into manageable steps, identifying relevant information, and applying appropriate mathematical concepts to find solutions. By mastering maths heuristics, students can approach a wide range of mathematical problems with confidence and accuracy.

1. Model Drawing

Model drawing is a powerful heuristic that involves representing mathematical problems visually using diagrams or models. This strategy helps students visualise the problem, identify key information, and formulate a plan to solve it systematically. Model drawing is particularly useful for solving word problems involving fractions, ratios, and comparison.

Example: Karen and Lily had $575 altogether. Karen spent 3/5 of his money and Lily spent $150. Karen then had three times as much money as Lily.  How much did Lily have at first?


2. Guess and Check

Guess and check involves making educated guesses and testing them systematically to determine if they are correct. This encourages students to use trial and error to approach problems, refining their guesses based on feedback until they find the correct solution. Guess and check is particularly useful for problems involving logical reasoning and estimation.

Example: Find a two-digit number where the sum of its digits is 9, and the number is greater than 50.


3. Work Backwards

Work backwards involves starting with the desired outcome and working backwards to determine the steps needed to achieve it. This encourages students to think logically and consider the relationship between different elements of a problem. Working backwards is particularly useful for problems involving sequences, patterns, and algebraic equations.

Example 1:

Jack has 20 more marbles than Sam. Together, they have 80 marbles. How many marbles does Jack have?

Example 2:

Sarah had some pencils. She gave Jason 15 pencils and then bought 1 more pencil. She then gave Sam 12 pencils and bought another 2 pencils. If she had 6 pencils left in the end, how many pencils did Sarah have at first? 



From start to end, 

  • Sarah gave Jason 15 pencils = -15 
  • Sarah gave Sam 12 pencils = -12 
  • Sarah bought 3 pencils = +1 and +2 

Working backwards,

  • we begin with the number of pencils Sarah ended with which is 6
  • Since she bought 2 pencils, we subtract 2 from 6 to get 4
  • Then, we add 10 to 4 because she gave 10 pencils to Sam to get 14
  • Again, subtract 1 from 14 to get 13.          
  • Lastly, we add 22 to 13 to obtain 35 pencils that Sarah had originally. 

4. Look for a Pattern

Looking for a pattern involves identifying recurring sequences or relationships within a problem to find a solution. This encourages students to analyse data, observe trends, and make connections between different elements of a problem. Looking for a pattern is particularly useful for problems involving sequences, geometric shapes, and number patterns.

Example: What is the next number in the sequence: 2, 6, 12, 20, …?


5. Systematic Listing

Systematic listing involves organising information systematically to analyse all possible outcomes and find a solution. This encourages students to use tables, charts, or lists to organise data and identify patterns or relationships. Systematic listing is particularly useful for problems involving permutations, combinations, and probability.

Example 1:

How many different three-letter combinations can be formed using the letters A, B, C, and D?


List the combinations systematically starting with ‘A’ followed by ‘B’, ‘C’ and then ‘D’. 

There are 24 combinations.

Example 2

Andy, Bill and Colin are competing in a running race. List all the possible finishing positions for the 3 runners. 


Represent each person with an alphabet: 

  • Andy =  A
  • Bill     =  B
  • Colin = C
GEH (12)

Practical Tips for Parents to Guide Their Kids at Home

Practice Regularly: Encourage your child to practice maths heuristics regularly through worksheets, online resources, or maths games. Repetition helps reinforce problem-solving strategies and builds confidence in tackling different types of problems.

Provide Feedback: Offer constructive feedback and praise your child’s efforts in applying math heuristics. Focus on the process rather than just the outcome, highlighting their problem-solving approach and critical thinking skills.

Encourage Persistence: Emphasise the importance of perseverance and resilience when facing challenging maths problems. Encourage your child to approach problems systematically, try different strategies, and learn from mistakes.

Make it Fun: Incorporate maths heuristics into everyday activities and games to make learning enjoyable. Explore real-life scenarios, puzzles, and brainteasers that require problem-solving skills and critical thinking.

Mastering PSLE mathematics requires more than just memorising formulas and procedures—it involves developing effective problem-solving strategies and critical thinking skills. By understanding and applying maths heuristics such as model drawing, guess and check, work backwards, look for a pattern, and systematic listing, students can approach PSLE maths questions with confidence and accuracy.

By providing guidance, encouragement, and opportunities for practice, in:genius by Nascans can help your child develop the skills and confidence needed to excel in PSLE mathematics and beyond.

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How do Student Cares achieve a balance between academics and recreation? 

How do Student Cares achieve a balance between academics and recreation?

As parents, we all strive for our children to excel academically while enjoying a well-rounded childhood filled with play and social interactions. Achieving this balance requires careful planning and access to resources that support both educational growth and personal development. 

Here’s a quick guide on the key considerations to create a healthy after-school routine that combines academics and recreation, ensuring your child thrives in all aspects of their life.

1. Time Management and Structured Activities

Managing time effectively is key to maintaining a balanced after-school routine in student care. Start by setting a schedule that includes dedicated time for homework, enrichment activities, and relaxation. 

This structure helps children understand the importance of prioritising tasks while leaving ample room for play and socialising.

Consider creating a visual timetable or planner together with your child, highlighting different activities throughout the week. This not only teaches time management skills but also gives children a sense of ownership and responsibility over their daily routines.

2. Incorporate Physical Activities

Physical exercise is essential for a child’s overall health and well-being. Encourage activities that get them moving, such as outdoor sports, swimming, or even simple exercises at home. Physical activity not only strengthens muscles and bones but also improves concentration and mood, making it easier for children to focus during study sessions.

To make physical exercise more enjoyable, consider enrolling your child in structured classes like dance, martial arts, or team sports. These activities not only provide exercise but also teach teamwork and discipline, essential skills for both academic and personal success.

3. Importance of Creative and Social Outlets

Creativity and social interaction are equally important in a child’s development. Encourage creative activities such as drawing, painting, writing stories, or playing a musical instrument. These activities stimulate imagination and self-expression, helping children develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Social interactions are equally vital. Arrange playdates with friends, encourage participation in group activities or clubs, and foster open communication at home. Building strong social skills early on prepares children for future relationships and collaborative work environments.

Now that we’ve explored the fundamentals of a balanced after-school routine, let’s delve into how in:genius Student Care Centre effectively implements these strategies to promote healthy development and academic success.

A. Spaces to Relax, Learn and Connect

At in:genius Student Care Centre, the environment is meticulously designed to cater to both relaxation and learning. Students have access to a variety of spaces where they can unwind and engage in enriching activities:

– Mini-Library: Stocked with age-appropriate books and magazines, encouraging a love for reading and expanding knowledge beyond the classroom.

  – Game Corner: Equipped with table football, basketball hoops, dart boards, and various board games, promoting strategic thinking, motor skills, and friendly competition.

– Computer Stations: Providing access to educational resources and supervised internet browsing, supporting academic research and digital literacy.

These spaces not only provide opportunities for recreation but also foster a sense of community and belonging among students, creating a supportive environment conducive to learning and personal growth.

B. Award-Winning After-School Programmes

As Singapore’s leading student care brand, in:genius offers a range of award-winning programmes designed to enhance academic performance and holistic development:

– T.I.T.A.N.S Programme: Based on the Habits of Mind framework, aimed at nurturing intelligent thinking habits similar to those developed in the Gifted Education Programme (GEP). This programme cultivates critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

– Impression Arts and Scientific Inquiry: Signature enrichment programmes that unlock students’ creative and analytical potential, respectively. These programmes encourage exploration and experimentation, preparing students for academic challenges and real-world scenarios.

These structured programmes not only complement the school curriculum but also instil a love for learning and personal excellence, equipping students with essential skills for future success.

C. Healthy Nutrition that Nourishes the Mind

Recognising the link between nutrition and academic performance, in:genius Student Care Centre prioritises serving nutritious meals and snacks:

– Carefully Planned Menus: Designed to provide balanced nutrition, ensuring students receive the energy and nutrients needed for optimal cognitive function and physical well-being.

– Healthy Eating Habits: Encouraged through education and role modelling, fostering lifelong habits that contribute to overall health and academic success.

By prioritising healthy eating habits, in:genius supports students’ ability to concentrate, learn effectively, and maintain sustained energy levels throughout their after-school activities.

D. Convenient Academic Excellence Programmes

In addition to enrichment activities, in:genius offers Academic Excellence Programmes designed to supplement school learning and support academic progress:

– Comprehensive Curriculum: Developed by former MOE teachers, Heads of Departments (HODs), and enrichment specialists, covering subjects such as English, Chinese, Mathematics, and Science.

– Expert Guidance: Provided to help students excel in specific subjects, addressing individual learning needs and preparing them for academic challenges.

These programmes offer a convenient alternative to traditional tuition, allowing families to maximise quality time together while ensuring children receive the academic support they need to thrive during their stay at the student care centre.


Creating a balanced after-school routine is essential for a child’s overall development. By prioritising structured activities, physical exercise, creativity, healthy nutritious meals and social interactions, parents can help their children excel academically while fostering personal growth and well-being.

Choosing a student care centre like in:genius in Singapore further enhances this balanced approach. With tailored spaces, award-winning programmes, nutritious meals, and academic excellence initiatives, in:genius supports children in becoming well-rounded individuals equipped with the skills and confidence to succeed in school and beyond.

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Strategies and Resources to Prepare your Child for PSLE 

Strategies and Resources to Prepare your Child for PSLE

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a significant milestone in the educational journey of Singaporean students. As a parent, it’s natural to feel concerned about your child’s performance in this crucial exam. 

PSLE is an end-of-year national examination administered by the Ministry of Education (MOE), and is the culmination of all that has been learnt in the six years of primary school. It is distinct, however, from the usual end-of-year examinations a student’s primary school will give. In particular, the school will administer its own final year examination, and these are known as the preliminary examinations or prelims, as a lead-up to the PSLE itself.

PSLE Format

Before diving into preparation strategies, it’s essential to understand the PSLE format. The exam consists of four subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, and Mother Tongue. 

Exam components for 

  • English and Mother Tongue: oral, listening comprehension, and written formats.
  • Mathematics and Science: oral and written formats.

They are designed to evaluate students’ mastery of the subject matter, as well as their critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.

Scoring System

The PSLE in Singapore now employs the AL Scoring System. Under this system, each PSLE subject is assessed using eight distinct bands, termed “Achievement Levels (ALs)”. Students receive an AL score ranging from 1 to 8 for each subject (1 being the highest), with each AL corresponding to a specific range of marks. 

‍Visit the MOE website to learn more about the PSLE Score Calculator. 

Preparation Strategies

To ensure your child is well-prepared and confident, it is essential to adopt effective preparation strategies that cater to their individual needs and learning pace. Below are four ways that can help guide your child towards success in the PSLE.

  1. Identify your child’s weak areas and concepts understanding in each subject with current test papers.
  • Students who score below 50 typically struggle with understanding key concepts. 
  • Those who score between 51 and 75 generally comprehend the concepts well but struggle with open-ended questions. 
  • Students who score between 76 and 89 often struggle to provide specific answers. For example, different types of question keywords like “state,” “describe,” or “explain” require distinct approaches to answering the question effectively.

To address these challenges, focus on thoroughly understanding the concepts in the topics where students have shown weaknesses. Your child should engage in extensive practice with multiple-choice questions (MCQs) until they can consistently score over 40 marks in Booklet A, which consists of 28 MCQs and a total of 56 marks.

Additionally, for students who struggle to identify clues in questions and often select incorrect data, a helpful strategy is to highlight keywords within the questions to narrow down the necessary information for accurate answers.

  1. Have a revision plan for different subjects with breaks in between. Parents can assist by providing a framework for revision:
  • Set goals and priorities: Encourage your child to decide what they want to revise and set specific goals on the topics they want to cover.
  • Organise materials: Gather study materials and categorise them by topic or difficulty level.
  • Plan for breaks and family time: Ensure time for exercise, family bonding, and rest to maintain a healthy balance between studying and relaxing.

To maximise revision time, consider covering two topics or subjects in a day instead of dedicating an entire day to a single subject or topic. It is more effective for your child to vary their subjects of study throughout the day and keep their study sessions short

  1. Tackling different subjects: English, Chinese, Maths, Science. 

The holidays or weekends are a great time for students to clear up any confusion they have. They can use the extra time to organise their notes by topic and use memory aids to help them remember information. 

Another good habit to start is keeping a journal for each subject. This journal should include common mistakes, tricky questions, or challenging topics for quick reference. For instance, students can re-attempt mistakes noted in their journals. 

Here are more tips on how students can revise for each subject: 

  • English: Read storybooks, newspapers, or articles to improve vocabulary and comprehension skills. Students can pick a theme from these materials and list words or phrases related to it.

To improve composition writing, they can compile a list of common themes – for example: Memorable Holiday, Act of Kindness, Helping a Friend in Need, Surprise Event, Favorite Hobby – and practice writing short essays or brainstorming ideas for them.

For grammar or synthesis and transformation, they should review past exams and worksheets to extract commonly tested rules. Creating their own notes helps students better grasp the content as it actively reviews what they have learnt.

  • Chinese Language: Go through the textbook glossary, mark unfamiliar words, and spend time improving vocabulary. Students who struggle with word recognition should read passages from the textbook daily for context understanding.

Parents can create opportunities for their children to practise speaking Chinese at home with relatives or friends who are fluent in the language. Watching television programmes together can also provide more exposure to the language, helping children understand and learn it better.

  • Maths: Help your children focus on understanding the key concepts and principles behind problems, rather than just completing many past exam papers. With a solid grasp of concepts, learning becomes meaningful, and practice reinforces understanding.

If a child is stuck on a concept or question, address it immediately rather than postponing it, as they might forget about the question. Use the textbook or worksheets to fill any gaps in understanding. Focus on specific concepts that need more practice.

For complex Maths problems, try this approach:

  1. Understand the problem (underline key information or break it into smaller parts)
  2. Select a strategy (like the model method, working backwards, or finding patterns)
  3. Solve the problem
  4. Check the answer using another method
  • Science: Start with topical revision for one to three hours a week, then move on to past years’ papers to gain exposure to a range of questions. Spend more time revising topics that teachers spend less time on and less time on quickly covered topics.

PSLE Science syllabus is based on themes. To understand the relationships between themes, students can make mind maps or write summaries. Active consolidation of concepts helps them become more familiar with the content. If mind maps don’t work for a topic, students can create flashcards and have parents or siblings help test them.

  1. Regular timed-practice sessions for final revision using past exam papers is another effective strategy to excel in the PSLE. 

Through this approach, students can become more familiar with the exam format and improve their time management skills. It allows them to understand the types of questions that are typically asked and learn how to allocate their time effectively during the exam.

Sgtestpaper is a good resource for this preparation, offering downloadable exam papers from top schools and interactive tests specifically designed for PSLE students. Practice using these resources can make a significant difference in their performance.

Recommended Resources

  1. The Ministry of Education (MOE) provides various study materials for the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). These materials are approved for use in schools and are designed to support students in their PSLE preparation. 

The MOE-approved textbook list includes materials for subjects such as English Language, Mother Tongue Languages (MTL), Mathematics, Science, Art, Music, Physical Education, Social Studies, and Character and Citizenship Education. These materials are regularly updated and are available for download from the MOE website.

  1. Student Care/ Tuition Centre like in:genius by NASCANS offers PSLE preparation courses, which are designed to cater to students’ individual needs. in:genius equips students with proficiency in English, Chinese, Mathematics and Science, allowing them to ace their exams.
  2. There are several mobile apps that offer PSLE preparation resources, including practice questions, interactive lessons, and adaptive learning features. Some examples are:
  • StudySmart PSLE Online App (Available for English Language, Maths, Science)
  • PSLE 2023 Smart App (Available for English Language, Maths, Science, Chinese and Higher Chinese)


Preparing for the PSLE requires a combination of effective strategies and the right resources. By understanding the exam format, identifying your child’s strengths and weaknesses, and seeking professional help when needed, you can help your child stay on track and achieve their best results. 

Additionally, utilising recommended resources such as study materials, online learning platforms, tuition centres, and mobile apps can provide your child with the support they need to succeed.

Dedicated teachers at in:genius by NASCANS are here to support you and your child navigate the PSLE journey successfully and set the students up for future academic success.

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in:genius Open House July 2024 – Future Innovators

in:genius OPEN HOUSE JULy 2024

Unleash Your Child’s Inner Innovator! Join in:genius Student Care Open House this July!

At in:genius, we nurture and support the development of future innovators through our exciting and engaging student care programmes. This July, join us at our Open House to discover the programmes and how we prepare your child for the future ahead.

Here is what you can expect from the Open House:

  1. Interactive and Engaging activities ranging from AI learning to Coding to Scientific Inquiry*.
  2. Meet our experienced and passionate educators to learn more about our award-winning programmes designed to bring out the best in your child.
  3. Explore our stimulating and conducive learning environment with in-depth explanation by our educators.

Exclusive Open House Promotion:

Register for the Open House and enjoy savings of up to $1900** on your child’s enrolment! Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to give them a head start on their future!

*Activities might vary by centres
**Terms and conditions apply

Register For Open House

Participating Centres

in:genius @ Bukit Merah (Rubikon)

3501 Jalan Bukit Merah, #01-03/04 
Singapore 159460

in:genius @ Choa Chu Kang

309 Choa Chu Kang Ave 4,#04-07
(Choa Chu Kang Centre) 

Singapore 680309

in:genius @ Clementi

 431 Clementi Ave 3, #01-356
Singapore 120431

in:genius @ Jurong East

135 Jurong Gateway Rd, #04-339
Singapore 600135

in:genius @ Parkway Parade

80 Marine Parade Rd, #07-03/04/05 
(Parkway Parade Office Tower) 
Singapore 449269

in:genius @ Marymount

191 Sin Ming Avenue, #01-02
Marymount Community Club
Singapore 575738

Why Choose
in:genius Student Care?

Homework Supervision & Academic Boosters

At in:genius, we understand the importance of quality time between parents and children. That’s why our team of dedicated and experienced teachers provide thorough homework supervision for students, ensuring they have the support they need to ace their assignments. As part of our commitment to academic success, we also provide a carefully curated list of assessment books and review key concepts with our students to help boost their understanding of significant subjects. Parents can rely on us to provide the essential guidance and support to help their children reach their full potential.

Cultivating the 21st Century Child Through Our Signature Enrichment Programmes

As Singapore’s leading award-winning student care brand, we offer a unique suite of signature programmes that allow students to develop holistically and acquire strong academic foundations. Our T.I.T.A.N.S programme stands at the forefront of nurturing intelligent thinking habits in students, using the Habits of Mind™ framework, a framework employed by Singapore’s Ministry of Education to cultivate the top 1% of students through the Gifted Education Programme (GEP). Our signature enrichment programmes like Impression Arts™ and Scientific Inquiry™ help unlock students’ creative and analytical potential, equipping them with problem-solving skills that will set them apart. Together, these programmes empower well-rounded individuals ready to thrive in the face of life’s challenges with confidence and resilience.

Spaces to Relax, Learn and Connect

At in:genius student care, we provide beautifully curated areas for students to unwind and participate in a range of after-school activities. From our mini-library filled with age-appropriate books and magazines to our computer stations and game corner equipped with table football, basketball, dart board, and various board games, we guarantee that your child will have a fulfilling time at in:genius student care!

Healthy Nutrition that Nourishes the Mind

Our student care centres prioritize serving healthy and nutritious meals and snacks. We know that healthy eating is a key step towards building a healthy mind, and we strive to provide students with the fuel they need to excel in their studies and daily activities. Our carefully planned meals help students feel comfortable and satisfied while away from home. You can have peace of mind knowing that your child is well taken care of and receiving the nourishment they need to thrive.

Academic Excellence Programme for Primary 1 - Primary 6

Building A Strong Academic Foundation

Is your child struggling in a particular subject in school? There’s no need for tuition over the weekends when you send your child to in:genius Student Care centre! Designed by our in-house curriculum team, consisting of former MOE teachers, HODs and expert enrichment specialists, select from a range of tuition classes for Primary school academic subjects like English, Chinese, Mathematics and Science to supplement your child’s academic learning!


Developed by in-house English experts, the programme infuse grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing to build a robust foundation for Primary 1 to Primary 6 students, and help them tackle the main examination components in the English language examinations.


Stretch your child’s potential in the Chinese language! At in:genius, our Chinese tutorials are designed in a progressive and structured way by in-house Chinese language pedagogy experts for students to develop a love for the language and gain mastery in reading and writing.


Concepts like Fractions, Multiplication, Percentages, Ratios, and more are covered as we equip students with the knowledge they need for the PSLE examinations. Through revision and applied practice, they build the skills and confidence they need to tackle various question types.


Designed to make science learning meaningful, engaging and enjoyable, while at the same time, allows every child to discover and build strong fundamentals, including critical and creative thinking, as well as the ability to express and articulate thoughts and ideas well!

Hear What Our
Happy Parents Say

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in:genius inaugural Coding Hackathon June 2024

in:genius Inaugural coding hackathon june 2024

Let’s Get Hacking!

On 8 June 2024, in:genius partnered with The Brainery Code to host our very first Coding Hackathon for in:genius students, and it was an absolute blast! We welcomed a group of enthusiastic young minds between the ages of 7 and 12, ready to unleash their creativity and problem-solving skills through the power of coding on the Minecraft platform. 

The energy during the event was electric as the students, working in teams, brainstormed and harnessed all the skills they learned during the in:genius Coding Programme to complete the various challenges in the fastest time possible.

Here are what some of our young coders have to say about the event:

“After this experience, it really made me know the importance of teamwork. I had high hopes for this event, and now I am satisfied.” – Kah Fai

“The hackathon was an eye opener for me. It was fun and we had a great time!” – Eden

More than just coding:

“The event was not just about coding; it was about fostering teamwork, innovation, strategic as well as critical thinking, skills that the kids acquired during their time in in:genius Student Care.” said Wee Liang, organiser of the Coding Hackathon. “We were truly inspired and blown away by their dedication and ingenuity.”

The team from in:genius @ Jurong East took home the 1st place award, scoring maximum marks and completing all challenges in the shortest time possible. The most creative and helpful students were also given recognition for demonstrating outstanding teamwork and creativity.

Overall, the event was a resounding success and clearly highlights the growing interest in STEM education among young children and the positive outcomes of learning coding at a young age. The in:genius Coding Hackathon not only introduced them to the world of coding but also fostered teamwork, problem-solving skills, and a passion for innovation. We can’t wait to see what these bright young minds create next!

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Primary 1 Registration: Navigating Singapore’s Primary School Registration Process

Primary 1 Registration: Navigating Singapore's Primary School Registration Process

In Singapore, the Primary 1 registration process is a significant milestone for both parents and children. With plenty of schools to choose from and various criteria to meet, navigating this process can be intimidating.

With careful planning, early preparation, and effective strategies, parents can increase their chances of securing a place in their preferred school for their child. In this article, we’ll explore the different stages of the Primary 1 registration process, the right registration steps, and several practical tips for successful school selection.

Understanding the Registration Process

The Primary 1 registration process in Singapore typically consists of several phases. You may register your child online in a phase as long as you fulfil at least one of the requirements for that phase.

SC/PR Eligibility: You can register your child in the 2024 P1 Registration Exercise if your child is born between 2 January 2018 and 1 January 2019 (both dates inclusive).

Phase 1: For a child who has a sibling studying in primary school. 

Phase 2A: For a child

  • Whose parent or sibling is a former student of the primary school, including those who have joined the alumni association of the primary school as a member.
  • Whose parent is a member of the School Advisory or Management Committee.
  • Whose parent is a staff member of the primary school.
  • From the MOE Kindergarten under the purview of and located within the primary school. 

Phase 2B: For a child

  • Whose parent has joined the primary school as a parent volunteer not later than 1 July of the year before P1 registration and has given at least 40 hours of voluntary service to the school by 30 June of the year of P1 registration.
  • Whose parent is a member endorsed by the church or clan directly connected with the primary school.
  • Whose parent is endorsed as an active community leader.


Endorsed active community leaders are eligible to register their child only for schools within 2km of their residential address in Phase 2B.

Children who gain admission under the “parent is an endorsed active community leader” eligibility to a school within 2km of the address used for registration must reside at that address for at least 30 months from the start of the P1 Registration Exercise.

If the 30-month stay requirement is not met, MOE reserves the right to transfer the child to another school with vacancies, as the priority admission to the first school was based on the declared address used for registration.

Phase 2C: For a child who is not yet registered in a primary school.

Phase 2C Supplementary: For a child who is not yet registered in a primary school after Phase 2C.

Phase 3: International students can only register for P1 during Phase 3, after all Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents have been allocated a place under the earlier phases. Find out how here.

Registration Steps:

  • Log in to the P1 Registration Portal with your Singpass to register during your child’s eligible phase registration period.
  • Only one parent is required to register. In the Registration Portal, you are required to declare that you have sought consent from the other parent to register your child for P1.
  • To register, click on the Registration tab in the portal.
  • If you do not see details of your child due for P1 registration in the portal, you can register via an online form in the portal. 
  • There is no need to submit any documents unless you register via the online form
  • If you need help with registration, refer to this user guide 
  • Note: if your registration in a phase is unsuccessful. You can register your child in the next phase they are eligible for. If your child is unsuccessful in Phase 2C Supplementary, they will be posted to a school with an available vacancy.

Guide for Successful School Selection

Research and Prioritise Schools: Begin by researching schools in your preferred area and understanding their admission criterias. Prioritise schools based on aspects that cover PSLE scores/ academic reputation or Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) offerings.

While specific ranking data for PSLE scores among primary schools in Singapore isn’t typically publicly available, here is a list of primary schools in each region, with highest PSLE scores and tend to be oversubscribed in previous years’ admission exercises

WEST: Nanyang Primary School, Raffles Girls’ Primary School, Methodist Girls’ School, Henry Park Primary School, Nan Hua Primary School

NORTH EAST: Rosyth School, Nan Chiau Primary School

EAST: St. Hilda Primary School, Tao Nan School, Red Swastika Primary School, Kong Hwa School, Ngee Ann Primary School

NORTH: Ai Tong School, Catholic High School (Primary), CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ School, Anderson Primary School, Ang Mo Kio Primary School

CENTRAL/SOUTH: River Valley Primary School, Anglo-Chinese School, Singapore Chinese Girls’ School

Parents can also refer to the list below to seek primary schools that offer signature Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs), aligned with their children’s interests and talents:

  1. Anglo-Chinese School (Junior): offers unique CCA “Sailing” to learn discipline, independence, team spirit, problem-solving, decision-making and other essential life skills beside skills that are needed to sail the boat
  2. Raffles Girls’ Primary School: known for “New Media Club,” providing skills and exposure for students who enjoy photography, coding and content creation
  3. Nanyang Primary School: offers CCA known as “Chinese Calligraphy,” where students learn the art of traditional Chinese calligraphy, fostering appreciation for Chinese culture.
  4. St. Hilda’s Primary School: offers a unique CCA called “Infocomm Club,” focusing on the fundamentals of  audio-visual system management, robotics, digital art and video editing.
  5. Nan Hua Primary School: offers a distinctive CCA called “Journalism and Broadcasting Club,” where students develop and strengthen students’ language literacy and critical thinking skills, enabling them to become competent, confident and reflective communicators.
  6. Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School: known for its “Robotics Club,” focusing on developing creativity and problem solving skills through experimenting with robots
  7. Maris Stella High School (Primary): offers a unique CCA called “Rockwall Climbing Club,” to instil good sportsmanship and values of team spirit, discipline and resilience through vigorous training 
  8. Methodist Girls’ School: Offers a distinctive CCA called “Modern Jazz,” a blend of street jazz, classical ballet and theatre dance, with its mixed roots extending back to both African and European traditions

Proximity Requirements: If your chosen primary school has more registrants than vacancies, priority admission will be given based on your child’s citizenship and the Home-School Distance category, which is in turn based on the address used for registration.

Calculating Home-School Distance: The address used for Primary 1 (P1) registration should be the parents’ official residential address as reflected on the NRICs. This address will be used to determine the Home-School Distance (HSD) category, where required for consideration of priority admission.

The HSD used will be the shortest distance from any point on the boundary around the school to the registrant’s official residential address.

Priority admission is given in this order:

  1. Singapore Citizens (SC) living within 1km of the school.
  2. SCs living between 1km and 2km of the school.
  3. SCs living outside 2km of the school.
  4. Permanent Residents (PR) living within 1km of the school.
  5. PRs living between 1km and 2km of the school.
  6. PRs living outside 2km of the school.

To maximise the chance: a child who gains priority admission into a school through their home-school distance category is required to reside at the address used for registration for at least 30 months from the start of the P1 Registration Exercise

Balloting: Balloting is conducted when the number of registrants exceeds the school vacancies, which can happen in any phase from 2A to 2C Supplementary.

Parents can check the list of primary schools that require balloting at the end of the phase to see if your child needs to ballot for a place in your preferred school.

Computerised balloting will be conducted centrally by MOE. All registrants who are required to ballot are assured of an equal chance for admission into the school.

  • To ensure continued open access to all schools in later phases, we are reserving 60 places in each school for Phases 2B and 2C (20 places for Phase 2B and 40 places for Phase 2C).
  • At the end of Phase 2A, one-third of remaining places will be allocated to Phase 2B, and two-thirds to Phase 2C.
  • If there are vacancies left at the end of Phase 2B, the remaining places will be carried forward to Phase 2C.

It’s important to register your child for only one school in any phase: multiple registrations are not accepted. MOE will take your latest submission made during the phase.

Navigating Singapore’s Primary 1 registration process requires careful planning, research, early preparation, and strategic decision-making. By understanding the different phases of registration, following the right registration steps, and implementing effective strategies in selecting schools, parents can increase their chances of securing a place in their preferred school for their child. 

With preparation, a proactive approach and support from Mulberry Learning, parents can navigate the registration process with confidence and secure success for their child’s educational journey.

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How to Foster a Growth Mindset in Kids: Best Practical Tips and Activities       

How to Foster a Growth Mindset in Kids: Best Practical Tips and Activities

Imagine your child comes home with a C on their test. How would you react? Instead of focusing on the grade itself, consider praising their effort and viewing it as part of a larger learning process. In cultivating a growth mindset in children, it’s crucial to emphasise the journey rather than just the outcome.

According to a growth mindset, intelligence and abilities are adaptable; children can develop their skills and traits through hard work, perseverance, and dedication. By instilling a growth mindset in your children, you can teach them to take on challenges headfirst, bounce back in the face of setbacks, and realise their full potential. 

Here are some effective strategies to inspire creativity in English writing tasks:

Understanding Growth Mindset

At its core, a growth mindset is about establishing a belief system that fosters learning and development. Children who hold a growth mindset see challenges as opportunities to grow, consider effort to be the driving force behind mastery, and regard setbacks as minor glitches that do not define them. Conversely, a fixed mindset assumes that qualities and skills are fixed and innate. Consequently, those who adhere to a fixed mindset tend to steer clear of challenges for fear of failing head-on. 

Let’s explore some practical tips for fostering a growth mindset in children.

Praise Effort, Not Intelligence:

Let’s say, your child completed a challenging puzzle. Instead of just saying “Good job!”, focus on acknowledging their effort and perseverance.

What and when to say: while your child diligently worked on a puzzle for an hour, you might say, “I’m really impressed by how you stuck with it, even when it got tough. Your determination paid off!”

As your child placed the final piece of the puzzle, take a moment to praise their effort and perseverance. Avoid immediately commenting on the final completed puzzle; instead, emphasise the process of solving it. This teaches them that hard work and persistence are more important than the end result.

Encourage Risk-Taking and Exploring:

Create a safe environment so your child feels comfortable to take risks and try new activities without fear of failure or judgement.

What to do and say: on a weekend outing, suggest trying a new hobby or activity that your child hasn’t shown interest in before, such as painting or rock climbing. As they express hesitation, reassure them by saying, “It’s okay to feel uncertain, but trying new things can be exciting! Let’s give it a shot together. Remember, it’s more about the experience and what we learn along the way than whether we succeed or not.”

Encourage them to step out of their comfort zone. Emphasise the value of exploration and learning from new experiences, regardless of the outcome. This instils in them the idea that taking risks and exploring the unknown can lead to personal growth and development.

Provide Constructive Feedback:

After your child completed a drawing, instead of just praising the finished product, offer specific feedback on areas for improvement and strategies to enhance their skills.

What to say:  “I really like how you used different colours to make the sky and grass stand out! One thing you could work on is adding more details to the trees to make them look more realistic. Maybe try using smaller strokes or different shades of green. Remember, art is all about practice and learning from each piece you create.”

By highlighting specific areas for improvement and offering constructive suggestions, you’re teaching them the importance of continuous effort and perseverance in achieving their goals. This encourages them to embrace challenges and view feedback as an opportunity for growth.

Model a Growth Mindset:

Lead by example. Share personal stories with your child when they encounter problems, to show the times when you faced challenges, experienced frustration, and persevered without giving up.

What to say: You might say to your child, “Last week, I encountered a problem at work that seemed really difficult to solve. Instead of getting discouraged, I reminded myself that setbacks are a natural part of learning and growth. So, I took a step back, brainstormed different solutions, and kept trying until I found one that worked. It wasn’t easy, but I learned a lot along the way, and that’s what matters most.”

By demonstrating how you faced challenges and persevered, you’re modelling the importance of resilience and continuous learning. This helps your child understand that setbacks are opportunities for growth and that perseverance is key to success.

Normalise Mistakes and Failures:

Teach your child to view mistakes as part of the learning process by creating an environment where errors are celebrated as opportunities for growth.

Let’s say, you allocate some weekends with your child in the kitchen, guiding them to bake/cook using children-friendly recipes. 

What to say: when they make a mistake while attempting a new recipe, you might say, “It’s okay that the cake didn’t turn out well as expected this time. Cooking is all about experimenting and learning from mistakes. Let’s talk about what we can do differently next time to improve the outcome. Remember, every mistake is a chance to become better at what we do!”

By embracing errors and discussing ways to learn from them, you’re teaching your child to approach challenges with resilience and a positive attitude. This helps them develop a healthy relationship with failure and fosters a growth mindset centred on continuous improvement.

Engaging Activities to Foster a Growth Mindset

Goal Setting and Reflection: Have your child set attainable goals for themselves while also engaging in weekly reflection. Discuss the steps and processes that are needed to reach their goals and celebrate small victories along the way. Encourage them to adjust their goals as they receive feedback and meet new challenges.

Journaling: Encourage your child to keep a growth mindset journal in which they write down their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Ask them to share what they have learned from their achievements, motivate them to reflect on difficult experiences, and include what strategies they have come up with to address the issue. 

Learning Challenges and Projects: Encourage your child to participate in hands-on learning problems and projects that promote problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. Encourage them to think about problems with curiosity and persistence, experiment with various methods, and seek assistance if necessary.

Mindfulness and Relaxation Exercises: Educate your child about mindfulness and relaxation techniques that can benefit from stress and anxiety reduction. Get them to take part in deep breathing exercises, guided meditation, or yoga with you to learn more about emotional resilience and self-calming strategies.

Reading Growth Mindset Literature: Expand your child’s mind and cognitive ability by reading books and stories. Read together and talk through the experiences of the characters, focusing on effort, perseverance, and resilience, and how these traits helped them reach their goals.


Cultivating a growth mindset in children is a long-term commitment that takes time, encouragement, and persistence. By practising these tips and activities with kids at home, parents can help kids strengthen their resilience, perseverance, and love for learning. From applauding efforts and providing concrete feedback to promoting risk-taking and exploration, parents have a significant impact on a child’s mindset when it comes to challenges and struggles.

At in:genius Student Care Centre, we nurture kids to have positive learning model of growth, helping kids develop self-motivation to take on life’s challenges, persist through obstacles, and maximise their potential for success. By having a growth mindset as a core belief, kids will go through the journey of learning with excitement and confidence, and have a “can-do” attitude toward life. It’s a path to a lifetime journey of growth and achievement.

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in:genius June 2024 Holiday Programmes

in:genius June holiday programmes

Beat the Boredom this June Holiday:
Exciting Programmes for Your Child!

School’s out, but the fun doesn’t have to stop! Here at in:genius, we’ve got a fantastic lineup of June Holiday programmes designed to keep your child engaged, learning, and having a blast!

Why Choose Our June Holiday Programmes?

  • Explore Different Interests: We offer a variety of programmes catering to diverse interests. From coding to manga drawing to environment conservation, there’s something for every curious mind.
  • Learn Through Play: Our programmes combine hands-on activities with expert-led instructions by our experienced partners such as NTU’s Confucius Institute, The Brainery Code and Acorn Learning, ensuring a fun and educational experience.
  • Make New Friends: Create lasting memories while socializing and collaborating with other young participants.
  • Boost Skills & Confidence: Our programmes help develop creativity, problem-solving skills, teamwork, and overall confidence.

Check Out Our
Holiday Programmes

Public Speaking Workshop

Does your child dream of becoming a confident speaker?

This engaging camp is designed to help your child develop their public speaking skills and unlock their inner speaker in a fun and supportive environment!

Learn to brainstorm ideas, understand the use of body language, vocal/verbal intelligence and more!

Duration – 2 days of 4 hours each
Price – $450.00 (excl. GST, if applicable)

Pokemon Tech Camp

Aspiring Pokémon trainers and tech enthusiasts, get ready to embark on an exciting journey into the digital world of Pokémon at our Pokémon Tech Camp!

The camp offers a perfect blend of fun and learning, where your child will delve into various aspects of technology like animation, app invention, and data visualisation while exploring the enchanting universe of Pokémon.

Duration – 2 days of 5 hours each
Price – $400.00 (excl. GST, if applicable)

The Exam-Ready Chinese Writer

Feeling stressed about the upcoming Chinese examinations? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

This holiday, elevate your child’s Chinese composition writing with NTU’s Confucius Institute for exams and PSLE readiness!
Master proven techniques by experienced instructors for your child to ace their compositions!
Duration – 4 days of 2 hours each
Price – $250.00 (excl. GST, if applicable)

Discover your in:ner Manga Artist

Join us for a fun-filled week to learn the art of storytelling through Manga and immerse yourself fully in minimalist Japanese culture.

Learn about the art of storytelling through Manga drawing, Haiku writing and creating cute character bento boxes.

Duration – 1 week, 9am to 7pm
Price – $250.00 (excl. GST, if applicable)

Discover your in:ner Environmentalist

Join us for a week filled with discoveries on science, environment and health and learn how we interact with our environment through the exploration of energy.

Dive into the fun as we learn to craft our Healthy Plates, crack the code of food labels, explore sugar levels and indulge in hands-on cold-pressed fruit juicing.

Duration – 1 week, 9am to 7pm
Price – $250.00 (excl. GST, if applicable)

*Note - Programme(s)’ availability may differ by centres

Sign up for our
holiday programmes

Participating Centres

in:genius @ Bukit Merah (Rubikon)

3501 Jalan Bukit Merah, #01-03/04 
Singapore 159460

in:genius @ Choa Chu Kang

309 Choa Chu Kang Ave 4,#04-07
(Choa Chu Kang Centre) 

Singapore 680309

in:genius @ Clementi

 431 Clementi Ave 3, #01-356
Singapore 120431

in:genius @ Jurong East

135 Jurong Gateway Rd, #04-339
Singapore 600135

in:genius @ Parkway Parade

80 Marine Parade Rd, #07-03/04/05 
(Parkway Parade Office Tower) 
Singapore 449269

in:genius @ Marymount

191 Sin Ming Ave, #04-339
#01-02 Marymount Community Club
Singapore 575738

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in:genius One Week Free Trial

in:genius One week free trial

Don’t just imagine your child’s success – make it a reality with in:genius today with our one-week free trial*! On top of that, enjoy additional promotions that enable you to save up to $1000**, should you decide to enrol your child after the one-week trial.

Now’s the best chance for your child to experience our signature programmes and award-winning curriculum. Here’s a sneak peek at what your child will get to experience: 

Our Signature Core Student Care Programmes

  1. T.I.T.A.N.S programme – Based on the Habits of MindTM framework, an intelligent thinking framework used by MOE to cultivate the top 1% of students through the Gifted Education Programme (GEP).
  2. Impression ArtsTM and Scientific InquiryTM – Develops children’s creative prowess, analytical mindset, and problem-solving skills.
  3. S.T.E.A.M. activities – Allows children to explore their interests and talents without any academic pressure. Children can discover new hobbies and passions, such as coding, art jamming, terrarium building, gourmet cooking, and outdoor excursions!
  4. Habits in Action – Instils positive character traits in children by developing an intelligent and inquisitive mindset, emotional resilience, and a passion for learning and innovation. 

Our Signature Academic Excellence and Enrichment programmes:

  1. Chinese 
  2. English 
  3. Mathematics
  4. Science
  5. Coding
  6. Chess 

Take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about our award-winning curriculum, whilst enjoying our enrolment discounts. Sign up now to reserve your slot to grab special school fee discounts!

*The 1-week trial promotion is applicable from 15 April to 24 May 2024, and does not apply during the June School Holidays.

**Terms and Conditions apply

Register Your Interest
for our one week free trial

Participating Centres

in:genius @ Bukit Merah (Rubikon)

3501 Jalan Bukit Merah, #01-03/04 
Singapore 159460

in:genius @ Choa Chu Kang

309 Choa Chu Kang Ave 4,#04-07
(Choa Chu Kang Centre) 

Singapore 680309

in:genius @ Clementi

 431 Clementi Ave 3, #01-356
Singapore 120431

in:genius @ Jurong East

135 Jurong Gateway Rd, #04-339
Singapore 600135

in:genius @ Parkway Parade

80 Marine Parade Rd, #07-03/04/05 
(Parkway Parade Office Tower) 
Singapore 449269

Why Choose
in:genius Student Care?

Homework Supervision & Academic Boosters

At in:genius, we understand the importance of quality time between parents and children. That’s why our team of dedicated and experienced teachers provide thorough homework supervision for students, ensuring they have the support they need to ace their assignments. As part of our commitment to academic success, we also provide a carefully curated list of assessment books and review key concepts with our students to help boost their understanding of significant subjects. Parents can rely on us to provide the essential guidance and support to help their children reach their full potential.

Cultivating the 21st Century Child Through Our Signature Enrichment Programmes

As Singapore’s leading award-winning student care brand, we offer a unique suite of signature programmes that allow students to develop holistically and acquire strong academic foundations. Our T.I.T.A.N.S programme stands at the forefront of nurturing intelligent thinking habits in students, using the Habits of Mind™ framework, a framework employed by Singapore’s Ministry of Education to cultivate the top 1% of students through the Gifted Education Programme (GEP). Our signature enrichment programmes like Impression Arts™ and Scientific Inquiry™ help unlock students’ creative and analytical potential, equipping them with problem-solving skills that will set them apart. Together, these programmes empower well-rounded individuals ready to thrive in the face of life’s challenges with confidence and resilience.

Spaces to Relax, Learn and Connect

At in:genius student care, we provide beautifully curated areas for students to unwind and participate in a range of after-school activities. From our mini-library filled with age-appropriate books and magazines to our computer stations and game corner equipped with table football, basketball, dart board, and various board games, we guarantee that your child will have a fulfilling time at in:genius student care!

Healthy Nutrition that Nourishes the Mind

Our student care centres prioritize serving healthy and nutritious meals and snacks. We know that healthy eating is a key step towards building a healthy mind, and we strive to provide students with the fuel they need to excel in their studies and daily activities. Our carefully planned meals help students feel comfortable and satisfied while away from home. You can have peace of mind knowing that your child is well taken care of and receiving the nourishment they need to thrive.

Academic Excellence Programme for Primary 1 - Primary 6

Building A Strong Academic Foundation

Is your child struggling in a particular subject in school? There’s no need for tuition over the weekends when you send your child to in:genius Student Care centre! Designed by our in-house curriculum team, consisting of former MOE teachers, HODs and expert enrichment specialists, select from a range of tuition classes for Primary school academic subjects like English, Chinese, Mathematics and Science to supplement your child’s academic learning!


Developed by in-house English experts, the programme infuse grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing to build a robust foundation for Primary 1 to Primary 6 students, and help them tackle the main examination components in the English language examinations.


Stretch your child’s potential in the Chinese language! At in:genius, our Chinese tutorials are designed in a progressive and structured way by in-house Chinese language pedagogy experts for students to develop a love for the language and gain mastery in reading and writing.


Concepts like Fractions, Multiplication, Percentages, Ratios, and more are covered as we equip students with the knowledge they need for the PSLE examinations. Through revision and applied practice, they build the skills and confidence they need to tackle various question types.


Designed to make science learning meaningful, engaging and enjoyable, while at the same time, allows every child to discover and build strong fundamentals, including critical and creative thinking, as well as the ability to express and articulate thoughts and ideas well!

Hear What Our
Happy Parents Say